Sunday, September 2, 2007

LOLguinea pigs

You've heard of , yes? If you spend enough time on the net and read random blogs like this one, you probably have. In case you haven't, a LOLcat is a picture of a cat, often taken in a sort of amateurish fashion, as if it is someone's pet (which it often is!), with a caption. The caption is always written with either in bad grammar and mispelling or a pretentious abundance of big words. It is often in a large white or black font, usually Impact, and is typed on all of the picture space not relevant to the cat. The caption might also include leetspeak and almost always includes chatspeak. LOLcats are sometimes called cat macros. The most famous LOLcat website is I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER?, which contains thousands of LOLcat pictures. It also has an program on-site so you can make your own pictures.

That's not what I was going to talk about though. Now you know what a LOLcat is. There are also such things as... guinea pig macros! If you know me, you know that I like guinea pigs far more than I like cats. It is true that I am allergic to them, but then, cats are the ones that can bring on the asthma. Guinea pigs also lack sharp claws and exhibit puppy-like behavior, most notably, following you around when you let them out in the hopes that you might give them food. In any case, a guinea pig is definitely much cuter, and is also a target of macro jokes. I have found this community just for making guinea pig macros. They're definitely very cute, possibly because guinea pigs are more innocent than cats. However, my Samoa is not that innocent, as seen in the guinea pig macro that I made. The picture was begging to be captioned. He's a sweetie really, though.

1 comment:

Chittz said...


I'm here, finally =) this blog seems completely random and hence wonderful :D oh, loved the furry anteater thingamajig as well :D shall keep visiting... see ya around!
